One of the most popular workouts at our nameless bootcamp circa 2009 was the Dirty 30, of which there were several versions.
Just for Dale, today’s version is the classic prescription that became known as the 204 30 and contains the dreaded “3 laps of bear crawl,” which we’re recreating as 7 lengths across the gym. We did the math: it will be about 700 feet of burning, just like it was back in the day.
We did this one just before we moved into our new space: Workout: June 4, 2011.
Time to kick it old school.
The Classic AAC Dirty 30
30 push-ups
30 box jumps (24/20 inches)
[caption id="attachment_163" align="alignright" width="300" caption="There's no easy way out. There's no shortcut home. (Note speaker mounted above air compressor in the cardio section of the gym.)"]7 lengths of bear crawl
30 sit-ups
30 pull-ups
30 wall-balls (20/14 lb., 10/9 feet)
30 kb swings (55/35 lb.)
30 burpees
30 triceps dips
30 squats
[caption id="attachment_283" align="alignright" width="256" caption="Go for a record!"]