Thick Thursday! SICK 16 AMRAP 10 for quality and load: 16 dumbbell split squats 100ft. Stone carry AHAP 16 dumbbell deadlifts 100ft. Farmer carry AHAP Rest 90 seconds AMRAP 10 for quality and load: 16 cossack thrusters 100ft. Reverse sled drag AHAP 16 kettlebell rows 100ft. Double overhead waiter walk Rest 90 seconds AMRAP 10 for quality and load: 16 dumbbell lateral step-ups 16 alternating dumbbell shoulder to overhead 16 loaded sit-ups
Fitness Training for Biathlon Beginners: Our Plan in Detail
How are we using the gym to prepare for the sport of biathlon? Check out two different training programs used by two novice biathletes.