Workout: Jan 7, 2015

Make you peace with the bar, then lift it. Make your peace with the bar, then lift it.[/caption] 2 rounds of: As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of: 15 front squats (95/65 lb.) 15 pull-ups 30 double-unders Rest 2 minutes 2 rounds of: 10 push presses (95/65 lb.) 10 lateral bar burpees Rest 2 minutes As many rounds as possible in 4 minutes of: 5 thrusters (95/65 lb.) 5 push-ups Rest 4 minutes Skills Watch the video The Rowing Stroke and read the instructions below it on rowing technique. Spend 10 minutes on the rower. Practice pulling precise, slow strokes that hit all points of performance. Do not pull aggressively. Slowly increase pace as you become more comfortable, but do not change your mechanics. If you find old bad habits returning, slow down and reset your form. If proper form “feels weird,” drill regularly to make good habits feel natural as you increase speed.


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