Workout: Feb. 20, 2015

If you haven't been to a lunch class, you probably haven't met Hugh. Now you know who does all those burpees.... If you haven’t been to a lunch class, you probably haven’t met Hugh. Now you know who does all those burpees….[/caption] 4 2-minute rounds of: 15 wall balls 30 double-unders As many chest-to-bar pull-ups as possible Rest 4 minutes 4 2-minute rounds: Even: Row for calories (RX is 15, scale is 10-12) Odd: Burpees (RX is 15, scale is 10-12) Evening Skills Session 6 sets, not for time, of: climb the rope, lower to just above the floor, then climb again (go legless for additional challenge) 5 minutes of practice on pistols (if you’re very good at pistols, try adding some weight) 10 minutes on handstands or handstand walks 3 sets of: 1 max L-sit Rest 2 minutes


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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