Workout: Feb. 11, 2016

Functional Fitness 204-SD-2015-MassacrePlease note all regular classes will be cancelled on Feb. 13 for the 204 Massacre. We apologize for any inconvenience. Please come by and support the competitors! 5 rounds, 1 minute at each stations for max reps: 1. Parallette shoot-throughs 2. Jumping split squats 3. Lateral hurdle hops 4. Plate inchworm Rest 1 minute Barbell Club Homework Read these two articles: Rip-Dive-Crash Pause to Clean up Your Clean Watch the video below. In the first viewing, look only at her feet during and note how stable they are and how the weight looks quite well distributed, with the majority just forward of the ankle. In the second viewing, watch her hips and see how they move toward the bar while her heels are on the ground. She’s pulling the bar back slightly, but she’s also moving her hips forward. Watch the jerk at the 1:08 mark in the video below. Not how the torso is vertical and the lifter drives through the heels as long as possible. Note the foot movement and their placement in the receiving position.


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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