Workout: Feb. 10, 2012


Pick Yer Poison – A Game of Strategy

The goal is to amass as many points as possible in 20 minutes – and we’ve added a few new movements since the last time we did this in November 2011.

Athletes can select any activities in any order but must finish all reps before moving on to another activity. You must finish all reps of an activity before the time limit to score points for that activity.

Athletes should select activities based on strategy, their own strengths (or weaknesses!), fatigue and availability of equipment.

You can only do each activity once, except for overhead lunges, which you can do a second time in the last minute only, where each set of 10 lunges is worth 1 point.

20 overhead lunges (45/25 lb.) – 2 points

20 wall walks – 8 points (20 modified wall walks – 4 points)

45 thrusters (95/65) – 8 points (45/33) – 4 points

75 burpees – 14 points

50 pull-ups or ring rows – 4 points (C2B – 6 points)

200 double-unders or 400 singles – 4 points

50 box jumps (any reasonable box) – 4 points

Row 1K – 5 points

40 bar or bench dips – 4 points

50 toes-to-bars/leg raises – 6 points

20 deadlifts (275/185) – 8 points

20 handstand push-ups (8 for women) – 8 points

50 push-ups – 4 points

20 back squats (225/155 lb.) – 6 points

50 kettlebell swings (25-lb. min. for women, 35-lb. min. for men) – 4 points

20 shoulder presses (115/75 lb.) – 5  points

Muscle-ups (men) – 10 = 10 points

Muscle-ups (women) – 1 rep = 4 points (max 16 points)

120 air squats – 6 points

Scoresheets will be provided.

For the heavy bars, 5 points will be DEDUCTED for a bad rep. For example, if the 275/185 deadlifts are not a reasonable weight and you pull with a round back even once, you will be assessed a 5-point penalty and will have to move on to the next activity. Same goes for round-back squats or “standing incline bench press” presses. Work within your means, and work with great form. If the bars are too heavy, choose a more appropriate poison.



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