Workout: Dec. 17, 2014

The artistic side of grinding through wall balls. The artistic side of grinding through wall balls.[/caption] Please note upcoming Holiday Hours. 10 rounds: At the top of the minute perform 3 deadlifts (225/155) Then as many reps as possible of wall balls The clock runs continuously for 10 minutes with no rest between rounds. 3 sets of weighted planks with partner Skills Perform the CPU Warm-up in its entirety 3 times (not for time). Hit the positions exactly as described in the video. Clean pull-unders @ no more than 75/53 lb. 3-3-3 High hang squat cleans @ no more than 75/53 lb. 3-3-3 Hang squat cleans @ no more than 75/53 lb. 3-3-3 Loads are irrelevant. Focus on hitting the positions. Do not let the hips move forward into the bar. The bar comes to the hips, and the hips move up. Layback is achieved by creating a hinge at the waist, not by thrusting the hips forward.


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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