Workout: Aug. 3, 2012


AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

10 pistols (5 per leg, alternate legs)

10 pull-ups

Rest 1 minute

AMRAP in 5 minutes of:

10 burpees

30 double-unders (60 singles)

Many of you tore hands on the toes-to-bar workout last week. Take every precaution to avoid this. Tape your hands if needed, or sub ring rows for pull-ups. Ring rows are very challenging, and incorporating them in workouts is a good thing.

Mike will be going over form for movements released for Functional Fitness 204 Classic events 1-3 on Sunday in Dale’s Garage.


How to Choose a Protein Bar

“A chocolate bar won’t support my goals!” you might say. And that’s true—so don’t let a “protein bar” trick you!


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