Workout: April 3, 2012


8 rounds of:

20 double-unders (50 singles)

15 pull-ups

10 burpees

Time cap: 20 minutes

All styles of pull-up are fair game (including bar or ring rows), except for jumping pull-ups and kipping band pull-ups. Those are out. If you use a band, choose a band that will allow you sets of about 8 reps or so.

Keep in mind that doing all 8 rounds might produce some pretty impressive soreness. Finishing the WOD is not worth it if you wake up with T-Rex arms tomorrow morning and can’t straighten your elbows.

If you are not accustomed to high-rep pull-ups, 8-10 per round is a far better choice. Your coach will advise you and scale the number of pull-ups per round appropriately.



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