Workout: April 10, 2013


Snatch- or clean-grip deadlifts 3-3-3-3

[caption id="attachment_3486" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Note how Jenn's hips are higher in the start position here in this conventional deadlift. In a normal deadlift, you don't have to worry about throwing the bar to the shoulders or overhead, so we start with the hips higher in order to deadlift more weight. The world record clean and jerk is 581 lb. The world record deadlift is 1,015--they are very different lifts requiring different start positions."][/caption]

Snatch- or clean-grip Romanian deadlifts with a pause: 3-3-3-3

Carly K. will be selling A.P. Stay Strong pins to support Alex’s recovery. They’re just $5. For complete info:


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