The astrological significance of Sept. 25, 2011, is negligible.
It is neither a solstice nor an equinox. It is not a holy day on any calendar of note, despite the fact that it is the 455th anniversary of Charles V’s signing of the Peace of Augsburg with the princes of the Schmalkaldic League. This may or may not be a big deal to you.
Nevertheless, Functional Fitness 204’s High Council of Deadlifts and Mysticism has selected the day for an examination of the secrets held in the Manitoba Legislature, as revealed by the very scholarly esotericist Mr. Frank Albo.
Check out FrankAlbo.com for more info.
At 10:30 a.m., interested students shall meet Mr. Albo at the Manitoba Legislature, just inside the doors at the security desk, for an in-depth review of the symbols hidden in plain sight in architecture of the legislature.
Questions to be answered:
What does Freemasonry have to do with the legislature?
Is the Golden Boy a boy or cleverly disguised underworld messenger?
Does Mr. Albo derive his formidable Functional Fitness skill from daily meditation in the Pool of the Black Star?
All will be revealed to worthy students, who shall pay their debt to Mr. Albo in an outdoor workout immediately to follow on the grounds of the Legislature.
In honour of this event, there will only be a 9 a.m. class at Functional Fitness 204 on Sept. 25, and the regular Dale’s Garage session will be cancelled for this Sunday only.
Sign up in the gym, then prepare to unravel of Manitoba’s greatest mysteries … and work out.
Learning to Love Your Rest Days (and Keep Making Progress)
Struggling to take a day off from the gym? Here’s why you need to do it. Don’t worry: You won’t lose your gains!