Push Presses and Stairwell Hell

[/caption] Tuesday was another great day in the gym. I push-pressed 125 lb. for one rep, which is a huge improvement over last week’s disappointing 115 lift. Next week, I’m confident I will be pressing at least 130! I followed this up with some triceps extensions on the cable (2 x 10 at 80 lb.), dumbbell shoulder presses (2 x 10 at 35 lb.), and seated rows (2 x 10 at 80 lb.). It was quick and dirty. Thursday was “stairwell hell”: Eight flights of stairs with 5 burpees per landing, stairs with 5 squats per landing, and stairs with 5 push-ups per landing. So it worked out to 40 reps of each, followed immediately by a 500-meter row. My time on the stairwell was 8:51, and my row was 1:53. I wanted to stay under 2 minutes, so this was awesome. I had the “blood taste” in my mouth after the stairs, and my forearms were burning, so I really wanted to pull hard on the row. Afterwards I did 3 x amrap kipping toes to bar and got 5, 6, 6. I need to work on these more because I tend to lose the first rep by not generating enough momentum. The goal is sets of 10 by the end of the month! I also did 2 x 50 leg raises and 2 x 15 oblique crunches. Today. Mike and I discussed my diet, and what, if any, changes need to be made. Basically, I eat clean. It’s a high-protein diet with a lot of fruits and veggies and fat, as well as the supplements I take. I cut out alcohol over a month ago, and I don’t eat garbage. We rarely eat out, and the occasional cheat for me is pizza night. So we thought maybe we would take out pizza night for now. I’ll keep you posted!


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