Open Up and Say 204!

[/caption] The Open is almost upon us, and it’s great to see the 204 team filling up. You can check it out here: Functional Fitness 204 team. If you’re still on the fence about registering, feel free to ask any coach. The question most asked is this: Can I compete even if I might not be able to do everything? Yes. In the Open, most of the challenging weights and movements are placed so you must earn your way to them, which allows broad participation. For instance, last year muscle-ups came only after a lot of wall-balls and double-unders. If you couldn’t do muscle-ups, you were scored on wall-balls and double-unders. We expect things to be the same this year, and if something comes up that you can’t do, we’ll complete as much of the workout as possible. You only need to notch one rep to enter a score for the workout, and we’ll try to complete as much of the RX’d workout as we can so we can give you a score. If at that point we need to scale a workout, we’ll do so, and you can continue the workout without scoring additional points. There is no pressure to compete. You are already on the team if you train at the gym, and the success of the competitors is directly related to the atmosphere and community you create every class. If you don’t compete, come out and support the team! [caption id="attachment_3298" align="alignright" width="300" caption="The Open at 204 in 2012!"][/caption] If you are competing, here’s how we’re going to roll. Starting March 6, the workouts will be announced Wednesdays at 7 p.m. CST at Games.Functional We will be doing the Open in three spots. Please do your best to make one of these three slots. Other times can potentially be accommodated by special arrangement, but we hope to avoid running Open workouts at all sorts of times on different days. Thursday 8 p.m. Friday 8 p.m. Sunday 11:30 a.m. The open-gym and small WOD on Friday will be cancelled, and the second hour of Dale’s Garage on Sunday will be cancelled. People who have signed up for the Open will be able to sign in for Functional Fitness Games Open WOD slots in our calendar. If you have any problems doing so, please email info@Functional If a slot is full and you would like to do the workout at that time, email us and we will do our best to accommodate you. We will judge and score your workout according to the standards released every Wednesday. Please review the standards, practice the movements and ask the coaches any questions. After the workout, athletes will be required to log their scores, and we will have a computer available for you to do so. We recommend you do so immediately so we can validate the scores. If you submit a score after the Sunday deadline, it will not count, and there is nothing we can do about it. After scores are submitted and validated, you will appear on the worldwide leaderboard, and on the Canada West leaderboard. Functional Fitness 204 will appear on the team leaderboards. The team score is determined by the top three men’s and women’s scores from the gym for each workout, but be clear on this: Every member of our team, and every member of our gym, should take pride in the team score. The team placing doesn’t represent the strength of only six athletes; it represents the strength of the 204 community. If you have questions, please ask any of the coaches. Almost all of them are experienced Functional Fitness competitors who can help you perform your best. Good luck!


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