On the Trail of the Supple Leopard

[/caption] These past two weeks have been all about relaxation, happy training and goal setting. I’ve had the wine, beer, ice cream and pizza, and it was delicious. Mike has really encouraged me to just do whatever I feel like on a day-to-day basis, because come August it’s time to ramp it up and get ready for 2012. It took me about two days to recover physically from the Canada West Regional, and about a week to feel energetic and ready to hit a WOD again. My experience in Vancouver was incredible, and I left the competition feeling very inspired to spend the next year getting stronger and faster and ready to battle for 2012. Despite the recent three-day competition, my body has still been responding well in training, and I continue to make gains. Something noteworthy was my 2-rep PR on my back-squat: 225 lb. I’ve always wanted to rep out 4 wheels on my back! I’m pretty sure I had a triple in the tank, but I always want to be safe in my lifts and it could have gone either way, so I stopped at 2. Moving forward, I know I have weaknesses that I need to address. As always overhead strength continues to be a battle, but it also continues to improve. I’ll be hammering the Olympic lifting and gymnastics in the coming months, as well as mobility. I’ve set a new goal of being able to do the splits! That should keep me stretching. Mike’s Note: While this is a period of slightly lower volume and intensity, we’ve also instituted Kelly Starrett’s no-days-off training plan: if you aren’t working out, you’re mobilizing or stretching or taking care of your body in some way. Right now, “releasing the supple leopard” is more important than crushing Fran–but we’ll get to that, too.


How to Choose a Protein Bar

“A chocolate bar won’t support my goals!” you might say. And that’s true—so don’t let a “protein bar” trick you!


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