No-Sugar November Week 3

Functional Fitness 204-red pill What if I told you the red pill is full of sugar?[/caption] Homework: Read “Is Sugar Toxic?” by Gary Taubes. Taubes was a lecturer at a Functional Fitness Trainer Summit a few years back, and I can tell you his presentation was very convincing. It certainly made a lot of the people in the room skip the sugar in their coffee that afternoon. Many people think sugar is simply “less than ideal” in a diet. But this article suggests sugar is actually far more insidious. There’s no pressure to do so, but feel free to post your thoughts to the comments section here. What do you think of the article? Does it make you think twice before downing a soda? Social-media challenge [caption id="attachment_7805" align="alignright" width="268"]Functional Fitness 204-sugar stack Hot lemon relief cold stuff: 20 g of sugar or 5 teaspoons.[/caption] For those of you who are hooked into social media, take a picture of a food or beverage with its sugar content represented in either sugar cubes or a pile. For examples, check out Sugar Stacks. I picked this cold-relief product, which is basically aspirin and a whack of sugar. I had no idea until I read the label. Guess what? The label says the product is not recommended for diabetics. Is sugar needed to relieve a cold? Post your pics online and tag Mike, Crystal or Functional Fitness 204. Use the hashtag #NoSugar.


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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