No-Sugar November Week 2 Homework

Functional Fitness 204-coffee We like our coffee as we like our music: No sugar added.[/caption] Thanks to everyone who’s commented and posted to social media over the last week! The online discussion has been educational, and it’s really helpful for others to learn about how others are challenged and how they succeed. This week, here’s your homework: Read the Functional Fitness Journal article “Sugar Widows.” Here’s the question to ask yourself: If researchers are linking rehydration with sugary soda to kidney problems, are sports drinks loaded with sugar any better? Remember: Gatorade, Powerade and other beverages are still loaded with sugar–about 14 g in 8 oz. Social-media challenge: To help your friends out, post a pic of a new food or beverage you’re now consuming in place of a sugary treat. Water counts! What have you subbed into your diet, and how is it making you feel? Tag Mike, Crystal or Functional Fitness 204 in the post and use the hashtag #nosugar. Feel free to comment below as well. Good work so far!


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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