No-Sugar November: The Final Countdown

Eat less sugar.With almost a month of reduced sugar intake behind you, it’s now time to evaluate: What did you learn about foods and sugar? What did you notice about your health and performance as you cut added sugar from your diet? What tempted you, and how will you avoid it in the future? What great substitutions did you find for foods you can do without? Most importantly: Will you continue to eat less sugar? The holidays are coming, and it’s likely a bit of extra sugar will find its way to your mouth. That said, you’ve built up momentum in November, and we’d encourage you to allow yourself reasonable treats in December while still carefully monitoring the amount of sugar you consume. Remember this: Added sugar is not good for you, and a poor diet can undo even the best fitness program. To get the full benefits of the hard work you put in at Functional Fitness 204 every day, eat nutritious food with limited amounts of added sugar. If you do, we know your health will improve–dramatically in some cases. Before the end of the month, it’s time to make a plan of action for December. Consider tracking your sugar in December to see if you’re getting back into extreme levels of consumption. Consider one cookie rather than three. Consider serving healthy alternatives at holiday events. Like sugar in your coffee? Consider half a packet instead of a full packet. Any reduction in intake of added sugar is a win. So start thinking. The end of the challenge is coming, and we want to move into December with a plan for success. Feel free to share your thoughts and ideas by commenting below.


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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