With spring here, there are a few housekeeping issues that need to be addressed in the interests of cleanliness and safety.
The goal is to keep things orderly and avoid any tripping hazards. And we like it when things are put neatly in their place.
Please note the following:
1. Shoes must be stacked on the shoe racks at the front door. We will be getting a larger shoe rack to accommodate you, but shoes need to be placed neatly out of the way for ease of entrance and exit. This is essential for safety and wheelchair access to the building.
2. Bikes need to be locked outside as we don’t have enough space to store all of them inside. We are currently looking into getting a bike rack.
3. The back door is only for emergency exit only or exit during a workout. It is not a general entrance. During running workouts, people will be exiting the gym at high speed, and in the interests of preventing collisions, please enter and exit only through the front doors on Berry Street. If you park in the back, please walk around to the front to enter. If you are running a workout, please slow down near the door to avoid head-on collisions.
4. No shoes by the back door. Related to No. 2, we want to make sure no one trips on shoes during a workout, so all shoes must be left at the front door.
5. Watch for traffic in all outdoor workouts. Please exercise caution at all times when running. Obey the rules of the road and watch for traffic. Assume drivers don’t see you and plan accordingly. Stick to the sidewalks as often as possible and stay out of the way of traffic. Be sure to look both ways when crossing any streets.
6. Please place all bags on the storage shelves to prevent tripping hazards. We are currently reorganizing he gym for additional storage of personal items, but bags should not be left on the workout floor. We want to maximize space and keep everyone safe.
Thanks for helping us with all this. We realize there will be a transition period of reminders and so on, but after a week, Sonya will be shaking her finger at you.
Learning to Love Your Rest Days (and Keep Making Progress)
Struggling to take a day off from the gym? Here’s why you need to do it. Don’t worry: You won’t lose your gains!