[/caption] You regularly see your fellow Functional Fitnessters with blood, sweat and tears dripping down their faces … but could you pick out those lovely faces before they themselves knew they were destined for Functional Fitness 204 at 483 Berry St.? We’re getting to know our members a little more by having a baby-photo guessing contest! We’ll be posting photos of members as babies/toddlers and having members guess who is who. This is open to anyone who would like to participate. All you need to do is drop off a photo in an envelope with your name on it in pencil (let’s not waste envelopes) before Friday, Jan. 18. Please give the envelope to your coach. Photos will be posted Tuesday, Jan. 22, and the official guessing will begin (forms will be supplied). All photos will be returned unharmed, but we suggest giving us a scan or a copy if the shot is particularly precious. Was Josh born with a beard? What did Junior look like when he was more junior—and did he look like his sister, his other sister, his mother … or his father? Did Tyson have muscles at 8 months? Who was bald? Who was the happiest baby? Who ate birthday-cake candles and Nerf footballs for snacks? And so on. Answers will be provided late in January, and there will be a little prize for the member who gets the most people correct! If you have any questions, email Jenn@Functional Fitness204.com.
Body Positivity, Body Resilience and Self-Image: How I Cope
No matter how positive you feel about your body, we all have bad body-image days. Here’s how to deal.