There will be no class Jan. 15 due to the FrostFit Games. A workout will be posted to the website, but we won’t meet as a class.
Functional Fitness 204 has two athletes participating in the FrostFit Games, which will be at Functional Fitness Winnipeg, 420 Des Meurons, all day Saturday.
We’ll post a schedule here as soon as it’s available, and if you’re interested in watching and cheering on our athletes, please stop by. For anyone who’s thinking about competing in the future, you can see what’s involved in a judged Functional Fitness workout. If you get excited by what you see, your next chance to compete will be on Feb. 5 when Functional Fitness 204 hosts the Intergalactic Showdown put on by our friends at Functional Fitness Subzero in Thunder Bay.
Good luck to Crystal and Will!
Learning to Love Your Rest Days (and Keep Making Progress)
Struggling to take a day off from the gym? Here’s why you need to do it. Don’t worry: You won’t lose your gains!