It’s only been two days since starting the Eat Less Crap Challenge and I already notice the difference. My energy level is through the roof.
A typical day for me is waking up at 5:30 a.m. heading to the gym to coach, back home to get ready for work (this includes preparing meals for the day if it wasn’t done the night before), working eight hours at Pure Essence Salon (and this is a physical day on my feet the whole time) then back to the gym for coaching and my own training. When I get home, it’s time to clean up, prepare for the following day, and still find time to hang out with my boyfriend. No matter what, I always get through it. However, some days are simply exhausting.
The last two days, I’ve finished the day with energy to spare. I have felt balanced and happy all day. Could this be the clean eating balancing my insulin levels and regulating my hormones? Quite possibly.
Fat plays a critical role in regulating your hormones. Everything is affected: your energy, your moods and, very importantly, your performance. Think twice before reaching for anything labeled “low fat.” If they’ve taken the fat out, chances are it’s been replaced with something unnatural and not useable by your body to make it taste better.
Your body can use the fat!
As Ryan W., one of our strongest and most well-read members said this weekend, “The low-fat diet is one of the worst things to ever happen to humanity.”
With the Eat Less Crap Challenge starting officially today, I can’t wait to see what small and large diet changes do for our members and the other people who’ve jumped in on the challenge. It’s great to see that the challenge goes beyond the walls of the gym and includes people we’ve never met. Welcome!
I’ve been absolutely inspired by the commitments everyone has made, and we’ll be writing them on the board tomorrow. From there, it’s an entire month of making good choices and seeing what happens to our community.
I couldn’t be more excited. Like I said, I have energy to spare!
How to Choose a Protein Bar
“A chocolate bar won’t support my goals!” you might say. And that’s true—so don’t let a “protein bar” trick you!