Learning to Love Your Rest Days (and Keep Making Progress)
Struggling to take a day off from the gym? Here’s why you need to do it. Don’t worry: You won’t lose your gains!
Struggling to take a day off from the gym? Here’s why you need to do it. Don’t worry: You won’t lose your gains!
“A chocolate bar won’t support my goals!” you might say. And that’s true—so don’t let a “protein bar” trick you!
Crystal serves up three life lessons she learned with age. If you’re getting older, take heart. You have good years ahead!
Crystal presents her top three secret tips to get moving on days when motivation is low. You might be surprised by No. 3!
There is so much information people need to sort through and review when it comes to fitness and nutrition. When it comes to fat loss specifically, it becomes even more challenging. Many coaches and influencers have some special and usually extreme system or product they want to sell, and most
No matter how positive you feel about your body, we all have bad body-image days. Here’s how to deal.
As 2024 draws to an end, most people reflect on the past year and set new goals for the future. New Year’s resolutions are a pervasive tradition despite their dire rates of success. And the research on New Year’s resolutions is grim. Just 9% of people who make resolutions keep
It’s not uncommon for clients to ask me if they should cut their calories while they are injured and experiencing a reduction in training volume. In theory, their energy balance is changing, so they don’t feel like they require as much food. And many clients fear gaining body fat if
When we think about the holiday season, visits to the emergency room are not on the wish list. We usually plan to spend the season enjoying time with friends and family, spreading cheer, indulging in some traditional food and beverages, and relaxing. As it should be. But every year local
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