Going to B.C.!

[/caption] I started the week of training on Sunday. I worked on HSPUs and pistols to start. I was finally able to do pistols on my left leg without using a 10-lb. weight to balance. I hammered through a few sets on both legs and then did the following: 5 rounds of a 420-meter run, 50 double-unders and 2 pistols per leg. The pistols on the left leg were challenging as the WOD progressed, but I’m confident with practice they will be as smooth as the right leg. Tuesday was the regular class at Functional Fitness 204. I started with front squats. Before class, I worked up to a triple of 160 lb. and then backed the weight down to 135 for 2 sets of 5. Afterwards I joined the class for some testing. We did a max standing broad jump (I got 6’10”) and a 3RM dumbbell press. I used 40 lb. per arm. My deltoids were a bit sore, and I couldn’t maintain my form if I increased the weight. Thursday was 3 rounds of 10 deadlifts at 185 and 20 kettlebell swings at 35 lb. It took me 3:50. My forearms were wasted from this WOD. On Friday, Mike had me do 8 minutes of the following: 5 x 105-lb. power-cleans, 8 burpees and a 200-meter sprint. I don’t enjoy sprinting. Give me an 800-meter run instead of a 200-meter sprint any day! Mike realizes this and also knows I need to work on being more powerful. Sprinting definitely addresses that. I rested Saturday and hit 11.6 on Sunday.  I scored 101 for the final WOD, and I’m so excited to be moving on in this competition. I’m really looking forward to training for the next month and I will see you in Vancouver! Mike’s notes: The end of the Functional Fitness Open marks the end of a yearly training cycle for Crystal. After she just missed going to regionals last year, she was driven to get there this time. We focused all our training on addressing her weaknesses, and I worked Crystal unbelievably hard over the last 12 months.  I’m always amazed at how dedicated and focused she is, and how she won’t hesitate to swear at me when I take a rep away. Like many others, she had a challenging time in the Open but came through it stronger than ever, and I couldn’t be happier with her performance. I’m tremendously happy that she accomplished a major training goal, and I’m looking at the Canada West Regional as Crystal’s reward for all her work in the last year. We’re going to put in one more solid month of training, then send Crystal up against the best athletes in the west. There are so many great competitors across Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta and B.C., and we’re looking forward to being pushed by all the amazing Functional Fitness athletes who will be in Vancouver at the end of the month. It will be great to be a part of the event that selects the west’s representatives at the Functional Fitness Games in L.A. Congrats to everyone who competed in the Open, and we can’t wait to see the best Canadian Functional Fitnessters in B.C. in a few weeks. Good luck to everyone training for the regional!


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