3 Tricks to Help You Get Moving on Low-Energy Days

Crystal Kirby-Peloquin poses in one of her favourite workout outfits.

Sometimes it’s hard to show up for your workout. 

Demanding work schedules, social obligations, caring for loved ones, mental-health issues or physical injuries—the barriers are all real. We all have many days when we are not excited to train. 

Even though you understand the value of training, that knowledge just isn’t always enough.

And that’s OK. 

I work with clients to help them lay a foundation and make working out a consistent habit. We address and remove barriers such as a perceived lack of time, we create plans to conserve energy, and we make working out as convenient as possible.

But on some days everyone just needs a little extra boost to get moving.

Here are three unconventional tools I use to inspire me on days when I want to skip a training session.

1. Strike a Bargain

I tell myself I don’t have to do the whole thing but I have to do at least one thing. 

So if it’s squat day, I have to show up and get the squats done, and then I can just walk out with zero accessory work. I know if I do this, I will still get results and maintain my momentum.

Sometimes when you’re tired or feeling like you don’t have time, the idea of training for an hour is daunting—but 20 to 30 minutes feels doable.

“Just do something.”

Of course, I almost always end up feeling much better as the workout progresses. Many times, I end up doing everything I had planned. This creates a powerful positive feedback loop and gives me a reason to use this strategy the next time I feel unmotivated: “I always walk out feeling better so I just need to get started and see what happens.”

2. Get Inspired

I follow some amazing athletes on social media. When I watch them train, it pumps me up. 

I train alone, so I can’t rely on the environment to stimulate me. I have to light my own fires. 

On days where I am dragging, I can watch a quick clip of someone I admire crushing heavy cleans or running fast, and I feel inspired to get after it, too. 

I also often think of my clients who show up to train with me before and after busy workdays. Their commitment inspires me to move past my own challenges. 

If you want some inspiration, you can watch my amazing clients on Instagram. I feature them all the time, and they might give you the motivation you need to get after it!

3. Dress Up

“Look good, feel good” is a hill I will die on. 

Most days I am working out with a fresh face and hair that could use a good brushing. But sometimes I have a work engagement that requires me to dress up a little, and on those days I definitely have a little extra pep in my step because I am feeling sassy and cute. If I happen to buy some new workout attire, even better. 

Let me be clear: You are allowed to show up any way you want to your workout. If you feel good in PJs and flip-flops, that’s awesome. But you are 100 percent allowed to put on some lip gloss and new shorts if that’s what gets you going.

Make your own rules!

Keep Showing Up

Remember that the more you show up, the better your results will be. 

You might need to put some tools in your toolbox to help you stay consistent. And it’s OK if they are a little unorthodox by other peoples standards. My husband doesn’t need to understand why my new ski jacket helps me get to the hill to practice. It works for me.

When you reach your goals and feel amazing, people will ask you, “What are you doing?” 

And the answer is simply “I show up!” 

How you made that happen can be your little secret.

Need more motivation to train? Reach out to me and I can help!


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