On Dec. 5, we posted this picture of Niki, and it was a hit on Instagram. Niki joined us in January 2017 as part of a six-week New You Challenge, and she didn’t stop when the challenge ended. Over the last 11 months, she’s lost 40 lb. by training three times a week at 6 a.m. and eating better. It’s amazing but not surprising. Our members have shown us that they are regularly capable of incredible things. I get to see a lot of pictures like this as part of my day job at the Functional Fitness Journal. Just last week, I saw a 300-lb. grandfather on the left and a 190-lb. guy on the right. His transformation also allowed him to eliminate symptoms of disease, and his health improved so dramatically that his doctor took him off medications. All that happened in about a year, too. Earlier in the year, I read about a husband and wife who weighed 932 lb. combined. Over three years, they’ve lost about 400 lb. together. These are very obvious transformations, and you’ve no doubt seen others on the Internet and in our gym. Beyond visible changes in weight and body composition, we’ve seen strength and conditioning improve, we’ve seen health markers improve, and we’ve seen people smile more and stand up a little straighter as they find success and confidence. So what does it take to make a transformation like this? We believe it’s two things: commitment and support. No change is easy. You have to break a habit, forgive yourself when you make mistakes, and commit to new behaviour. Expect to stumble a few times. Maybe many times. But true commitment means you’re prepared to keep going in the right direction no matter what. We can’t make this decision for you, but we can tell you with certainty that your life will improve if you commit to health. That commitment needs to be reinforced with support. That’s where we come in. You make a choice, and then we’re all in to provide you with sound training plans, nutrition information, motivation, community, accountability and praise. You have to commit to doing the work, but we’ll tell you exactly what to do to become fit, and we’ll be right beside you. To get you started, we’ve created the 204 Vitality program. It’s the perfect support program for a lifestyle change whether you’ve fallen off a fitness program or have never worked out. We’ll provide you with nutrition information that will complement your time in the gym, and we’ll do before/after Inbody body-composition scans so you can see exactly how your body changed. No experience required. Just commitment. Here are the details: Program length: Jan. 8-Feb. 27 (6 weeks) Times: Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7 p.m., Saturdays at 8 a.m. Cost: $250 + gst Includes: Nutrition seminar, 2 Inbody scans ($55 value)
If you’re a current member and have a friend or family member who wants to get fit in 2018, please send them this link: http://www.Functional Fitness204.com/204-vitality-program-jan-8/Fitness Training for Biathlon Beginners: Our Plan in Detail
How are we using the gym to prepare for the sport of biathlon? Check out two different training programs used by two novice biathletes.