204 Massacre Selected Details

Chest-to-bar pull-ups at the Functional Fitness 204 Classic! Chest-to-bar pull-ups at the Functional Fitness 204 Classic![/caption] As promised, here are a few more details about the Functional Fitness 204 Massacre on Feb. 14: – We will use the scoring system from the Functional Fitness Games. The winner of each event will receive 100 or 50 points, second place will earn 95 or 48, third will earn 90 or 46, and so on. Please review the chart by clicking the link above. The overall winner will be the athlete with the most points after all events are completed. We have selected this one due to its simplicity and the fact that we can make shorter events worth 50 points. – The men’s field will be eight athletes, and the women’s field will be six. This small field allows us to be very creative with our space and workout programming, and we’re pretty excited about it. Athletes will also be given lots of time to recover and warm up. – Exact heat and event times will be announced before Feb. 14, and the day will almost certainly start later than the 6 a.m. that was previously announced. – Athletes will complete the first announced event between Feb. 9 and 12. It will not require excessive amounts of equipment, annoying procedures or interrupted training schedules. Athletes may complete the workout at Functional Fitness 204 by appointment, or they may complete it at their home gym, with scores submitted according to instructions that will be posted soon. – In both the men’s and women’s competition, we’ve included a few athletes who may need to modify workouts should certain movements or loads come up. They’ll simply be slotted below any athletes who complete the workout as prescribed. In most cases, they will be able to compete straight up without modifications. – One event will be announced next week, and all events save one will be announced before the competition. – Felicity and Kim will be in charge of volunteers. If you want to help out, please speak to or email them. – Mike and Geoff will be in charge of judging. If you have experience and would like to judge, please speak to or email them.


Skate Skiing in the Dark?

We head to Mount Evergreen and ski under the stars, then plink some targets at the Lake of the Woods Gun Club.


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